Public Affairs Department Donates Shoes

RSSC Public Affairs Department has proved that poverty can be fought not only by seeking
corporate funding but also through innovative initiatives.

The department was able to raise funds and donate school shoes, socks, toiletry and
stationery to 20 destitute pupils at Njakeni Pimary through recycling old newspapers. The donation was presented by the Public Affairs staff.
Recycling is the process of converting waste materials into new materials and objects.
The Public Affairs team headed by Group Public Affairs Manager Sifiso Nyembe visited
Njakeni Primary School last Friday to handover a donation of 20 pairs of shoes, socks,
face towels and stationery.
Presenting the donation, Nyembe elaborated on how his team came about with the idea
of recycling newspapers for the benefit of underprivileged pupils.
“There are things that can be done to assist the less fortunate in our society. As a
department we decided to recycle the newspapers we purchase daily.”
“After selling the newspapers we noted that the money was not sufficient to benefit a
reasonable number of pupils, thus we also raised money from our pockets before
proposing to the managing director an addition of funds so we may be able to come up
with the donation.”
Nyembe further emphasized to the parents gathered during the presentation that all of
society should think of innovative ways of assisting the underprivileged, especially ideas
that do not involve seeking financial assistance.
“Taking the decision which school to help is never easy,thus as a department we decided to pick a school from a hat, and Njakeni Primary came up,” Nyembe said.
He further expressed his sincere gratitude to PEP Stores in Simunye for donating
towels as an addition to the items purchased at their store.
Thanking the Public Affairs Department, Njakeni Primary Headteacher Victor Mbuli said:
“winter is that time of the year where everybody has to be warm, but there are some
parents or guardians who cannot provide pupils with shoes due to financial constraints.
This donation will go a long way into addressing those issues,” Mbuli said.
He further requested the department to always remember the school again through
other initiatives that would assist to address the poverty pandemic faced by a number of
The Public Affairs team also donated three (25kg) bags of sugar to the school for the
school’s kitchen.

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