RSSC has celebrated memories and stories, the folklore, company challenges, emergencies, the fun times, the changes that have been witnessed by long serving employees during the annual Long Service Awards.

The event which saw 149 employees being awarded took place at Mhlume Country Club and there was something special about this year’s awards as the company introduced the inaugural 40 years of service award. Employees that have been awarded before had served RSSC for only 10, 20 and 30 years.
RSSC Acting Group Human Resources Manager Bheki Maziya said; “Before the 2017 Long Service Awards, only employees who had served the company for 10 and 20 years received the award, but since then, this ceremony is growing bigger and better because the 30 and 40 years’ service have been introduced between the period of 2017 and 2019.”
“I would like to applaud the Managing Director for taking the initiative of appreciating employees that have been loyal to RSSC for 40 years. This initiative will help to improve our Employee Value Preposition (EVP),” Maziya said.
“The Millennial generation have a request to the Managing Director to consider them in the future at least to have a 5 years’ service, because to them 5 years in one company for is such a long time,” Maziya added and the gathering was left in stitches.
Before presenting the esteemed employees with their certificates gift packs, RSSC MD Nick Jackson said; “The Board of Directors and Management appreciates the years served by the recipients. This is done as part of our EVP and to show RSSC’s gratefulness for loyal service. We have extended the Long Service Awards to employees who have reached the milestone of 40 years of service and also to fixed-term employees who have been in RSSC continuous service during the qualifying years.”
“In total there were 149 recipients who will be receiving their long service awards an increase by 63 from last year. In total, the combined service of over 3 000 years to RSSC has been attain by the recipients.”
Sugar Industry Continue to face challenges
MHLUME – RSSC MD Nick Jackson informed the employees gathered for the Long Service Awards that the sugar industry is still faced with high operational costs and low sugar prices.
“The sugar industry continues to face some challenges arising from the tough regional and international economic environment. We are experiencing low sugar prices, coupled with high operational costs. RSSC will continue to drive the Simama 20-20 strategy in order to ensure sustainability of the business.”
Jackson further expressed his excitement and appreciation to the staff of RSSC for finishing this year’s crushing season early.
“We are happy that our employees will have enough rest and spend time with their families over the festive holidays. I would like to encourage all of you to continue working hard for the sustainability of the company. As we will be taking a Christmas break, I wish you and your families a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year and most importantly safe holidays.”

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