582 maize bags, cooking oil for Hlane

The Royal Swaziland Sugar Corporation (RSSC)  partnered with National Disaster Management Agency (NMDA) to donate 582 of 50kg maize bags and cooking oil to two communities at Hlane, benefitting about 3 295 people.

Njojane and Esiphambanweni are the two communities under Hlane Constituency benefitted from the donation, where RSSC offered 582 maize bags worth E282 800 while NDMA contributed the same number of cooking oil bottles.The maize donated by RSSC was part of the yield harvested from the 232 hectares of land which was planted by the company in 2016. The main objective of the maize project was to assist government to fight hunger during the drought experienced by Swaziland last year.
The thousands of people gathered under the scorching sun to witness and benefit from the donation, which was presented by RSSC MD Nick Jackson in the presence of H lane MP George Maseko, Indvu na Sara phi na Tsabedzea nd NDMA representative Madvodze lib and la Tsabedze.
MP Maseko applauded RSSC for continuing to contribute to socio-economic development of the country and noted with pride that RSSC has been a father to the constituency even during the drought that has been facing the country where the company would allow residents to feed their livestock near the cane fields because there was plenty of grass.
“RSSC has been of great help to the Hlane community and with this donation, I am overwhelmed and short of words to praise the company for their continuation in being an active contributor to the development of the community,” Maseko said.
He requested the company to continue assisting the government as this goes a long way in helping the underprivileged and less fortunate members of the community. Jackson said though RSSC is a sugar producing company, it takes into consideration the food situation as presented by the drought.
“We found it prudent to assist in food security for the nation. RSSC strives to lend a helping hand to the communities because the company also relies on your support. RSSC does its utmost to actively contribute to the socio-economic development of the country as part of the company’s corporate social investment,” he said.
NDMA CEO Russell Dlamini, represented by Madvodzelibandla Tsabedze, applauded RSSC for the support the company has been showing over the years to the agency.
“RS SC has been supporting the agency over the past few years, where the company provided us with water to donate to the drought stricken community.
This donation will benefit the community, especially because of the drought which made it futile to grow maize as many families used to and as an agency we are grateful to RSSC for working tirelessly to put smiles on the faces of such a magnitude,” Tsabedze said.

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