SIMUNYE - Credit belongs to the youth entrepreneurs who were actually in the arena; whose faces were marred with dust and sweat; who strived valiantly, who erred and may have fallen again and again until they reached the finish line of the 2018 RSSC Youth Entrepreneurship Support programme. 

Four young entrepreneurs were awarded seed capital worth E110 000.00 during the award ceremony of the RSSC YES 2018 programme which was the second edition of the programme.  
In total this competition received more than 100 entry forms from the youth based in five communities with the northern Lubombo Region namely; Tshaneni, Mhlume, Vuvulane, Tabankulu and Simunye, although only 30 participants were shortlisted to battle for the top three positions. The competition seeks to target youth between the ages 18 to 35. 
RSSC MD Nick Jackson said; “The prize money is real and ready to make a difference in young people’s lives within the region and it has been noted with pride that the quality of the business concepts has improved immensely from last year, all thanks to the extra training, mentorship and guidance.”  
“The good quality of business ideas and the intensity of the competition challenged RSSC to eventually award 4 winners instead of the initial target of 3 valued at E100 000.00.”  
Jackson furthered lectured the upcoming entrepreneurs on challenges faced by businesses in the corporate environment, making an example of RSSC where he started that even huge companies do face constraints but giving up is never an option. 
“Do not give up, there will be times when the business brings challenges but get through them and be batter for the future,” Jackson said.  
“You are all winners,” he added. 
Meanwhile, Junior Achievement Eswatini Board Chairperson said; “The thirty finalists that were chosen went through a mentorship program and vigorous training on developing brilliant business ideas and this has been a development of a ready-made calibre of entrepreneurs that is ready to build businesses and become employers.”  
Table of Winners; 
Prize Category Name of Winner Industry & Business Concept 
Business Name 
First Prize Winner Hloniphile Maziya Agribusiness – Maize Farming  
Hlonis Posh Gardens 
Second Prize Winner Xolani Mhlanga Service – Gaming Game Point Investment Third Prize Winner Makhosazana Sengwayo Retail & Service – Interior Decor Décor Ndani Fourth Prize Winner Phumlani Ndlovu Agribusiness – Cotton Farming Sidlukotini 
….Youth Entrepreneurs Form a Corporative 
SIMUNYE - The RSSC YES Class of 2018 unveiled a newly formed corporative dubbed ‘Youth Corporative’ which seeks to continue fostering business growth for these young entrepreneurs beyond the program. 
“We have been empowered to make a difference. We would like to thank RSSC for listening to the cry of young people in the Lubombo region. The young people of the region are burning with ideas and have fresh hope to go out there to make a difference, not only in the country but even beyond.” said Sonkhe Khumalo on behalf of the Class of 2018. 
The JA chairperson, Nonhlanhla Gamedze could not hold back her excitement to see young people taking a leap and coming up with business concepts to sustain their livelihoods. She mentioned that in such an economy, she was proud that young people were shifting the mindset from thriving to become employees but successful employers. 

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