RSSC, JA launch 2nd edition YES entrepreneurship program

The Royal Swaziland Sugar Corporation RSSC in conjunction with Junior Achiever JA launched the second edition of the Youth Entrepreneurship Support ‘YES’ program.

SIMUNYE -  The Royal Swaziland Sugar Corporation RSSC in conjunction with Junior Achiever JA launched the second edition of the Youth Entrepreneurship Support ‘YES’ program. This was at Simunye Country club where the Minister of Commerce Industry and Trade officially launched the program.

The program hosted 30 aspiring youth entrepreneurs which began their two months training which will be swiftly followed by a mentorship program.

“I am particularly excited by the desire from RSSC to improve the socioeconomic status of neighboring communities. This indeed is a true spirit of corporate citizenship that I challenge other companies to emulate.  The call to create jobs is directed to everyone, even the youth themselves, hence we applaud RSSC for creating this platform where young people test their entrepreneurial acumen,” Minister of Commerce Industry and Trade Jabulani Mabuza said.

The government of the country was applauded for the continued support in the area of entrepreneurship. “may I thank government for her continued effort to support the youth entrepreneurship ecosystem in the country through various means such as the newly established graduate enterprise program (GEP) and the support of youth entrepreneurship initiatives such as youth enterprise fund, ja Swaziland, Enactus and Kickstart,” JA board chairperson Nokukhanya Gamedze said.

The program was also lauded for hosting more women as last year’s program is said to have been unique in the sense that there were more young women enrolled than males, with a record of 63 per cent women participating.

It was noted that the program will be providing mentorship to the aspiring entrepreneurship after the two months’ boot camp. “Honorable Minister, one of the key lessons learned is the importance of mentorship where we provide much needed guidance to the budding entrepreneur. to respond to this need, JA Swaziland is strengthening this component of the program to ensure that the young entrepreneurs get the full benefits of this program. we are in the process of recruiting mentors across the country and hence this program should be fully functional by the third quarter of the year,” she said.

RSSC pumps in E100 000 seed capital

In continually encouraging young entrepreneurs to work harder in their businesses, RSSC pumped in a lump sum of E100 000 for top three businesses in the program.

“We applaud RSSC for being deliberate in addressing this challenge by setting aside E100, 000 to be shared between the winners,” she said.

The prized money is broken down amongst young people where the first winner is awarded E50 000 whilst the runner up is awarded E30 000 and third prize is awarded E20 000. The prize money was noted to go a long way as it helps the winners establish their businesses.

It was noted that the program was inspired by Lusoti High School’s performance in the Junior Achievement program where they not only won nationally but also won at Africa level. “The program is growing at a faster rate and we thought of it fit to join in so to build a vibrant Lubombo. Through this program we are planting a culture of teaching the aspiring entrepreneurs how to fish than to give them fish. It is important that the businesses are registered which will help us know where we are planting the money,” RSSC managing Director Nick Jackson said.

In addition, the participants were encouraged to work hard which will help them to emerge as winners. Furthermore, the entrepreneurs were encouraged to explore more in the field that they are involved in as there is more support awaiting them.

“I encourage all of you that once you complete the program explore the entrepreneurship ecosystem in the country to further find support to pursue your dream to have a business. The ecosystem includes JA Swaziland, SEDCO, the youth Enterprise Fund, Kick start and Fincorp among others,” Minister of Commerce industry and Trade Jabulani Mabuza said.


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