RSSC doles out E97 250 for novels and re-usable sanitary pads

SIMUNYE – RSSC has again proven that there is no exercise better for the heart than reaching and lifting communities as the company made a donation worth E97 370.

The presentation was made by RSSC MD Nick Jackson and RSSC Group Public Affairs Manager Sifiso Nyembe.

The active contributor to the socio economic development of the country has again lived to its pledge of operating beyond the production of sugar but also uplifting local communities. Through the leadership of Jackson, the company has continued to give back to thousands of Swazis over the past years.

“Education is the driving force behind the success and development of not only the company but the country at large. They are learners today but they are the leaders of tomorrow. Reading is essential for better education as it keeps the brain active, improves vocabulary and spelling.”

“The teachers work tirelessly to ensure that these children pass and we have to thank and succour them with all we can for their job to be efficacious as they pave way for our future leaders.” Jackson said.

The donation of books worth E91 000 to the RSSC aided government schools consisted of a good mix of textbooks, novels and reference books for learners to invest in enriching their minds with information. These schools are Mhlume Primary and High School, Lusoti Primary and High School, Ngomane Primary and High School; and Tshaneni Central Primary School.  

Nyembe encouraged them to take care of the books because they are a treasure that never perishes with information.

The other donation made on the day was to benefit at least 60 girls with re-usable sanitary pads which was given to an organisation known as DaysForGirls. RSSC and employees made this donation a reality after they contributed E6 370.

Jackson said: “Employees worked tirelessly to make this donation a success. They made monetary contributions around the company and we ended up with E6 370. We believe that this will go a long way in addressing the issues faced by school going girls.”

Days for Girls is an organization that was formed upon realisation that some of the conditions underprivileged girls experience every month during their times of the month. Some use alternatives such as toilet paper and other unhygienic and unhealthy options whilst others prefer not to go to school during that time of the month.

DaysForGirls initiated the program, involving community women to sew beautiful re-usable or washable sanitary pads that are made from good quality fabric that is easy to wash and dry.

Representing Days4Girls - Nelisiwe Mtshali said, “At least for the next two years, the girls who will benefit from the contribution will not have to engage in activities such as sexual favours in exchange for a packet of sanitary pads and she further thanked the company for the much appreciated donation.”


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